About Us

Learn more about our history, values, and entertainers below!

Troupe Seven Stars started with Renaissance faire performers asking;
‘How can we do what we love even more?’

 Established in 2019 by experienced performers, Troupe Seven Stars underwent the trials and tribulations to be considered a WRAES-approved Guild at Oregon Renaissance Faire, going above and beyond expectations to then be bestowed the renowned ‘Thistle of the Vale’ Award.

Troupe Seven Stars exists thanks to the hard work and continual efforts of our founding members and team leads, our patrons of the arts, friends, family and community support.
Troupe Seven Stars aspires to be an open and inviting community to those who wish to learn about the beauty of renaissance music and performing arts.

Having expanded beyond only Renaissance Faires, our group’s repertoire now includes Fairies, and Pirate-Appropriate characters.

If you’re interested in learning more about our founders and members read our profiles below, if interested in learning more about those who support our community, or how to support us, please continue to our ‘Special Thanks’ page.

Our Values & Mission Statement

Troupe Seven Stars is a performance guild whose highest priority is to bring captivating and quality performances to all in our presence.

As a group with a wide breadth of talents, our repertoire spans many skills and types of performances.

Though our specialties include music, character acting, and traditional Commedia Dell’Arte our talents are extremely varied, and using our collective passion, we not only demonstrate, but educate!

Meet the Troupe

Averie Ellicott

Our Creative & Coordination Administrator

 Averie works as a preschool teacher and childcare provider. Averie has a passion for art and learning with a focus on folklore and folk music, though has no formal education in either. Averie began performing at renaissance faires in 2017 as an outlet for the historical and cultural knowledge they have amassed over years of independent study.

Photo Credit to Troupe Seven Stars
King Finnvarra

Photos Coming Soon!


Photos Coming Soon!

Andrew Murray

Our Site & Stage Administrator

Killian is played by Andrew Murray. He works in the tech industry building components essential to many tracking chips used in wildlife research. Andrew has always loved theater and music since he was in a performer in high school. He has been doing Renaissance faires since 2010 by joining first group of BOOM and the second as Kampania, from here with the help of others is trying to bring a new group to life, by doing music and theater, specifically Commedia Dell’arte.

Killian godric mcfinnigan
Photo Credit to Troupe Seven Stars
Credit to Richard Doyle Photography


Our Business and Finances Administrator

Jynx is a small business owner from Southern Oregon who started her journey with Renaissance Faires as a bar wench. She feels like being an actor is technically a move down in station, but she cares not as she is more concerned with creating the maximum opportunity for ridiculousness.


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Captain hook

Photos Coming Soon!

Sam Granquist

Social Media, Performer & Backstage Crew

Sam has been involved in theater and music from a young age, both on and off-stage, in front and behind the curtains. With a background in childcare and customer service, she enjoys crowd interaction, commedia dell’arte and children’s story telling. Her recently re-discovered passion of sewing has given her a new wave of inspiration, and is looking forward to seeing troupe seven wear her creations.

Agnete De Bohun
Credit to Richard Doyle Photography
Credit to Richard Doyle Photography

Jeffrey Behrends

Performer & Musician

Jeffrey has been performing at Renaissance Faires for over 30 years, starting at Minnesota Faire as a Royal Trumpeter, then working with the juggling booth and performing as a Bard in the street and on stage, as a juggler, musician, and fire performer, and also worked with the MN Herpetological Society educating about reptiles. Nowadays he focuses mostly on music and entertainment, focusing on inspiring others to break through their insecurity around performance. In his daily life he is ranger/monk: working, living, and playing in a sylvan cascasia dell called Havenroot- a summer camp and event center.


Samol Svensen

Performer & Musician

Samol prefers his privacy, but finds pride in music and performance. Any instrument holds new experiences and learnings, expanding his repertoire and fun to be had.



Performer, Music & Energizer bunny

Paragraph here

bartholomew & Barnabus bunny

Coming Soon!

Jester rabbit
Credit to Richard Doyle Photography

Holly Armstong


Holly has over seven years of classical training in music theory and singing. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Anthropology, Holly is extremely fond of history and re-enactment. She is married to fellow troupe member Austin Armstrong who plays “Sigurdr.” She is a bit of an herbalist, a lover of all things tea related, and a people person.


Austin Armstrong

Performer & Musician

Austin is a geology student, and a bit of a jack of all trades. Raised in Enumclaw Wa. He enjoys photography and is an amateur luthier and blacksmith. Austin is new to the troupe and looking forward to many new adventures.

Sigurðr a Þrondar nese